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Bel ons Belgische telefoonnummer op nummer +32 (0)3-38084000
Call our UK office on +44 (0)1223-790300
Call our Ireland office number on +353 (0)766-801100
Call our French office number on +33 (0)975-180600
Call our Swiss office number on +41 (0)43 - 5081700
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Information for suppliers, distributors and manufacturers

During the years, Mitracom has evolved from being 'just' a supplier of top-of-the-built computer systems to a fully-equipped one-stop-shopping supplier for all consumer and professional products available on the market today, in which on one side the complete home theaters and on the other complete automation of the office & professional server systems are the most predominant. We supply our customers the highest quality and therefore expect to get the equivalent from our suppliers, where being flexible and upholding customer satisfaction are on the top of our list.

We are constantly on the market for buying the following goods:

  • all thinkable computer hardware and software, for consumer as well as professional use:
    - computer hardware (internal, housings, peripherals, etc.);
    - computer software (operating systems, applications, games);
    - notebooks & accessories;
    - pda's & accessories;
    - server hardware, complete servers & accessories;
    - network hardware, cables & accessories;
    - cables and other installation materials (broad range).
  • digital camera's & accessories;
  • high-end audiovisual equipment:
    - plasma's & accessories;
    - beamers, screens & accessoiries;
    - lcd tv's;
    - tuners, amplifiers, receivers;
    - SACD / CD / DVD players etc.;
    - DVD / HDD recorders;
    - satellite receivers & dishes / LMB's;
    - high-end speaker systems (components);
    - receiver / speaker systeem combinations for home theater appliances;
    - wireless A/V signal processors.
  • copiers, network printers & A3-A2 plotters;
  • we also regulary have a need for:
    - stocks of 2nd hand pc's & monitoren;
    - 2nd hand servers;
    - 2nd hand copiers;
    - 2nd hand network printers / plotters.
    - N.B. we only acquire products from suppliers who can supply us with a valid Chamber of Commerce registration number ('KvK') and VAT ('BTW') number; we do not aquire any second-hand goods from consumers.

If you have any products in your stock that could be a usefull addition to our current stock and/or if you can offer us competitive prices and good/better service on your products, we gladly welcome you to contact us by phone or by e-mail.

NAW data of our company:
Chambers of Commerce file no. 17118464 (Eindhoven, Oost-Brabant, NL).
VAT number NL.808676544.B01
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Alle rechten voorbehouden. Alle (handels-)merken zijn het eigendom van de respectievelijke eigenaars. Alle prijzen zijn in Euro's en exclusief BTW, tenzij anders aangegeven. Bij aankoop van een Mitracom B.T.O. (Build To Order, BTO) systeem krijgt u 3 jaar garantie op het arbeidsloon van door Mitracom geleverde arbeid; op alle producten wordt 1 jaar hardware garantie gegeven, tenzij anders aangegeven. Prijswijzigingen t.g.v. bijvoorbeeld prijsfluctuaties in de computermarkt en/of typefouten uitdrukkelijk voorbehouden; afbeeldingen kunnen afwijken van het geleverde product en bijvoorbeeld slechts ter illustratie dienen van de productgroep waaronder een artikel valt. Op al onze producten en diensten zijn onze Algemene Voorwaarden van toepassing, zoals gedeponeerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken te Eindhoven, welke u op aanvraag kostenloos toegestuurd kunt krijgen. Aanvullend gelden de Algemene Voorwaarden voor het gebruik van de Mitracom Website, Intellectueel eigendom / auteursrecht en website disclaimer.

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